Fall is the perfect time to plan for the upcoming year, including what waterblasting equipment you’ll need to acquire and complete jobs. Taking advantage of year-end tax deductions and special financing is a great way to make the most of your budget dollars as you invest in new equipment to drive your company forward in the new year.
Blasting Away Your Tax Burden
As of 2023, Section 179 of the U.S. Tax Code allows businesses to immediately deduct the full purchase price of depreciable assets such as vehicles and machinery. While there are limits on eligibility and how much can be deducted, this opportunity could be a game changer for your business. Instead of capitalizing the asset and depreciating it over a long period, you may be able to deduct the purchase amount from your revenue for the whole year to significantly reduce your tax burden.
If you do commercial or industrial cleaning, surface preparation, hydro demolition or other types of ultra-high pressure water jetting, Jetstream has American-made goods to take advantage of this opportunity. Section 179 may be a great benefit if you’re looking at purchasing one of our six trademark waterblasting units or a custom unit. We’re also happy to work with you if you’re looking to integrate our pumps and signature tools into automated waterblasting equipment.
Curious about how Section 179 applies to your specific situation? First and foremost, we encourage you to visit with your tax advisor to understand any tax impacts and considerations for your business. You can also find information at section179.org and even use their calculator for an illustration of potential savings.
Tailored to Your Needs
We know money is tight for many business owners in this economy, but we also recognize that getting your hands on new equipment can be the key to unlocking breakthrough growth that pushes your company to the next level. That’s why we’re providing special purchase financing offers as well as customized leasing options on new waterblasting equipment ordered by the end of 2023. There’s still time to make a deal this fall, so reach out to your area Jetstream sales representative to learn more.
We want to be sure we’ll have time to help you determine the best equipment for your business and put it into service before year end. Don’t lose out on the opportunity to take advantage of any available tax benefits for 2023.